This is the second article in a series exploring new approaches to venture creation. In the first article in this series, I introduced the concepts of the Economics of Mutuality in which a business seeks to earn profit while attempting to solve...
Ten years ago, one of my newly hired software developers asked me why I hated her. When I asked her why she felt that way, she told me, “Whenever you walk by my desk, you are frowning and look so angry.” Her strong feelings surprised me because...
If you are building a home, you hire a contractor, not a landscaper. If you are adding a retaining wall, then you hire a landscaper—but not a software developer. We know that a business’s purpose is to solve certain problems or...
My seven year old son loves math. The majority of his time is spent doing math problems on the computer, quizzing his family on new math problems he created, falling asleep at night after reading math books, and attending the Russian School of Math...
Written in collaboration with Kevin Nguyen Staying ahead of the many negative externalities impacting our business ecosystem can seem overwhelming. And it surely can be, once a business is in full operation, however, while it’s difficult to...